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Definition of the term Wattage

The electrical unit of power. A kilowatt is 1000 watts and electric customers are billed on how many kilowatts of power they have used.

Definition of the term Corrosion

The deterioration of metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction resulting from exposure to weathering, moisture, chemicals or other agents or media.

Definition of the term Furring

Strips of wood or metal applied to a wall or other surface to even it and normally to serve as a fastening base for finish material.

Definition of the term Wax Ring Job

Removing a toilet from the floor so that a blockage can be manually removed or to replace a degraded wax ring. Replacing a new wax ring on the bottom of…

Definition of the term Gable

The end of a building as distinguished from the front or rear side. The triangular end of an exterior wall from the level of the eaves to the ridge of…

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