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House Inspection Sitemap

Here you will find a list of pages and articles that are accessible to our home inspection potential customers. The purpose or this page is to help visitors and search…

Home Interior Inspection

Our inspection of the Interior includes a visual inspection of the readily accessible portions of the walls, ceilings, floors, doors, cabinetry, countertops, steps, stairways, balconies and railings. Please note that…

Inspection Terminology

Home Inspection Glossary Here you can find a collection or terms used by home inspectiors or related to the home inspection process. Please click on the letter the word you…

Inspection of Roofing Components

The inspection of the roof system includes a visual examination of the surface materials, connections, penetrations and roof drainage systems. We examine the roofing material for damage and deterioration. We…

Inspection of Site Grounds & Grading

This inspection is not intended to address or include any geological conditions or site stability information. For information concerning these conditions, a geologist or soils engineer should be consulted. Any…

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