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Signs Your Home May Have Mold Featured Image

Signs Your Home May Have Mold

Mold can grow inside any home, but is especially prominent in environments that are damp, warm, or humid. While typically found in bathrooms, mold can also be found in basements, drywall, ceiling tiles, under sinks, around plumbing pipes, and more. Since mold is a hazard to your health, it’s important to identify the source of the mold and have it eliminated as soon as possible. Continue reading today’s post to learn about some of the warning signs that indicate you have a mold problem.

At Total House Inspection in Michigan, we provide mold testing to identify possible sources of toxic mold, as well as the mold remediation procedures you may need. Just because you can’t see mold doesn’t mean it’s not causing harm to your health or the integrity of your home. Contact our Top Rated Local® mold inspection team today to get the mold inspection and treatments you need.


While you may already have allergies of some sort, there’s a relatively easy way to determine if they are being exacerbated by mold in your home. Simply ask yourself if your symptoms improve once you go outdoors or leave your home. If the answer is yes, then you probably have a mold problem in your house. There are a number of symptoms to pay attention to, as these could indicate an allergic reaction to mold, including:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Sore, itchy throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Sinus headaches
  • Wheezing or difficulty breathing
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Irritated, itchy skin

Musty or Damp Smells

Mold produces a distinct smell, which is usually described as musty or damp. Since many different mold species have different odors, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact smell. However, if you realize that the smell is not common to your home, then it’s important to investigate the source of the smell.

Signs of Water Damage

Anytime you notice signs of water damage, it’s important to further investigate right away. If you’re unsure how long the water damage has been there, you might have a mold problem without even knowing it. Long-term moisture almost always leads to the growth of mold. Water stains or discolorations in your walls, floors, or ceilings are definitely a sign that you have a mold problem. Additionally, if you notice that your paint or wallpaper is bubbling, cracking, or peeling, these are further indications of a mold problem.

Water Leaks

Unfortunately, sometimes water leaks happen where you can’t see them — behind walls or other surfaces. When this happens, mold can start growing without you even realizing there’s a problem. Once you’ve discovered that you have a leak, it’s important to get it repaired as quickly as possible. Some common areas where water leaks occur include windows, metal pipes, and other areas where condensation forms frequently.

Previous Flooding

If your home has experienced flooding in the past, then it’s likely that you have mold growing in your home. You might not know it, but mold isn’t just a short-term possibility after flooding, it can continue to be a problem for a long time after the flooding happened. If you’re aware that your home was flooded sometime in the past, then it’s important to check that area for mold growth.

Visible Signs of Mold Growth

Visible signs of mold growth are a very obvious way to determine that you have mold in your house. If you see a lot of visible mold, this unfortunately indicates that you have a serious mold problem. In this situation, it’s important to reach out to professional mold remediation specialists to take care of the problem. At Total House Inspection, we provide the superior mold remediation solutions you need.

Frequent Headaches

If you have noticed that you are getting frequent headaches that are slowly getting worse, then this could be an indication that you have mold in your home. Mold exposure can cause a number of both short-term and long-term health problems, including headaches. While you may struggle with headaches already, an increase in the frequency or intensity is not something you should ignore. Make an appointment with your doctor to rule out other causes first, and then schedule a mold inspection if your headaches persist.

Respiratory Issues

Difficulty breathing or other respiratory issues can be warning signs of mold issues in your house. When you’re not feeling well, you likely crawl back into bed to rest and recover. If you have mold inside the walls of your bedroom, however, your problems will only continue. While you may not suspect mold, if a doctor appointment indicates there are no obvious causes for your respiratory issues, then it would be wise to schedule a mold inspection of your home.

Top Rated Local® Mold Inspectors in Michigan

There are many reasons why you might need to have a mold inspection completed in your home. If you suspect there is a mold growth or you see some obvious signs, contact the mold remediation experts at Total House Inspection in Michigan. We can provide a thorough evaluation and explain the next steps that should be taken to ensure your home is free of mold. Contact us today to schedule your mold inspection.

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