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Beautiful Home Interior Free From Mold

More Common Myths About Mold

In a previous post, we addressed some of the common myths about mold. Today, we’ll look at a few more myths and provide the facts. At Total House Inspection in Michigan, our team is here to provide the mold testing and mold remediation services you need. Contact our Top Rated Local® mold inspection team today!

Myth 1 – There are no benefits to mold.

Actually, some molds are used in the production of cheese while others have created some of the antibiotics we use to fight off germs, including penicillin! That being said, however, you want to be careful to apply those benefits to every type of mold you encounter. There are many variations of mold that are harmful and can make you sick.

Myth 2 – Repeated exposure to mold is harmless.

Your immune system is unique to you, so while you may not react to mold the same way that someone else might, this doesn’t mean that repeated exposure to mold is harmless. Signs that your body is reacting to repeated exposure to mold, include coughing, watery eyes, congestion, and headaches. Protect your health by wearing appropriate safety equipment, and see your doctor if symptoms continue or worsen.

Myth 3 – Mold is something you can easily see.

It would be great if you could walk into a room and spot a mold problem but, unfortunately, mold is often in the spaces that you cannot easily see. Since mold typically produces a musty odor, you can use your sense of smell to help you identify a mold problem in your home. Contact the team of mold inspectors at Total House Inspection for professional mold inspection and remediation services.

Myth 4 – I can use bleach to kill the mold.

Bleach is great for a number of different uses, but killing mold isn’t one of them. The reason this myth is still around is that when bleach is used on a mold spot, the mold appears to go away but the truth is that it has only been bleached. Eventually, the mold will return since the bleach did not actually kill the mold spores.

Myth 5 – A small amount of mold isn’t a big deal.

Any amount of mold is a big deal due to the fact that mold spores reproduce quickly. If moisture is present, you can be sure that very soon, you will have a much larger mold problem. Always make sure to address any mold you find as soon as you see it.

Myth 6 – I got rid of the mold; so now it won’t come back.

If only this could be true. Sadly, this myth is just that — a myth! You may have removed the mold but if you don’t address the conditions that led to its formation in the first place, you’re likely going to deal with mold again in the near future. Check for any moisture or water leaks so you can fix the problem at the source.

Professional Mold Inspection Services

If you’ve found mold in your home, access the professional mold inspection and remediation services we offer at Total House Inspection in Michigan. Our team is here to help and we would be happy to provide you with a thorough evaluation. Contact us to get started.

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