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Common Myths About Mold

Depending on who you talk to, household mold can be anything from a benign substance you can completely ignore to a super-toxic substance capable of causing grave harm in microscopic quantities. As with most things, the truth is typically somewhere in the middle. Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths about mold in today’s post.

At Total House Inspection in Michigan, we provide mold testing to identify possible sources of mold, as well as the mold remediation procedures you may need. Contact our Top Rated Local® mold inspection team today to get the mold inspection and treatments you need.

Myth 1 — Your house can and should be completely free of mold.

Mold spores are part of the natural environment, which means they are all around us both inside and outside. It would be virtually impossible to remove every mold spore from your home. Mold becomes an issue when its concentration reaches unhealthy levels, typically as large, visible colonies.

Myth 2 — Mold is harmless.

While you can’t completely remove mold from your home, allowing it to grow unchecked is not healthy for you or your family. Mold can impact your health, your immune system, and aggravate preexisting conditions. Mold can also damage your personal belongings.

Myth 3 — Black mold is extremely dangerous.

Most black molds are actually a very dark green in color and are not the Stachybotrys mold that is associated with health issues. Only some mold spores produce toxins and even then, only under certain circumstances.

Myth 4 — Once you’ve killed mold, the removal is optional.

The allergens in mold are still present in your home and can become airborne even after the mold is dead. Once a mold remediation specialist has killed the mold in your home, you need to make sure that it is fully removed.

Myth 5 — Bleach kills mold.

Generalized statements like this are rarely true for every situation. Bleach can kill certain kinds of mold on nonporous surfaces. It is unclear, however, whether bleach can kill all types of mold on every type of surface. The effectiveness of bleach on porous surfaces such as wood is still undetermined.

Myth 6 — Mold remediation is something you can easily handle yourself.

While you might be able to handle mold remediation for a small area on your own, it is incredibly beneficial to have a professional mold inspector evaluate the area and provide necessary treatments, as they have the training, expertise, and equipment to fully kill and remove the mold.

Myth 7 — A small amount of mold generally doesn’t indicate a problem

Typically, mold grows in areas where you can’t see it without going behind walls or into crawl spaces. By the time you see mold growth in your home, this generally indicates a significantly large problem. Only a certified mold inspector can tell you for sure the extent of your mold issue.

Top Rated Local® Mold Inspectors in Michigan

There are many reasons why you might need to have a mold inspection completed in your home. Contact the mold remediation experts at Total House Inspection in Michigan. We can provide a thorough evaluation and explain the next steps that should be taken to ensure your home is free of mold.

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