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How Mold Impacts Your Health

You know mold is bad for your health and can quickly damage the structural integrity of your home. However, do you know exactly how mold impacts your health? There are many different types of mold, so we’ll briefly identify places they like to grow, as well as some specific ways they can seriously impact your health and aggravate existing health conditions.

At Total Home Inspection in Michigan, we want to help you protect your home and your health, which is why we offer superior mold inspection services. If you suspect you have mold or recently discovered it growing, contact our team right away to schedule the mold inspection service you need. Mold can quickly escalate your health problems, so don’t delay scheduling a mold inspection or mold remediation service.


This mold can grow on food, dead plants, and in dark, damp environments. It can cause severe allergic reactions and is especially harmful to individuals with asthma, allergies, and weakened immune systems.


A type of mold that can grow very quickly in walls, insulation, and soil, aspergillus produces a carcinogen called aflatoxin. It can cause infections in people whose immune systems are weakened.


While Penicillium mold naturally produces the antibiotic penicillin, it is definitely not safe or helpful the way that penicillin is. In fact, it will irritate the stomach if ingested and airborne spores can cause congestion, coughing, and irritate the eyes.


This type of mold doesn’t require as much water as other molds and can be found in carpet, clothing, around windows, and in damp areas. It can cause respiratory problems, trigger asthma, and induce hay fever.


If you’ve ever heard someone use the term toxic black mold, then Stachybotrys is what they were talking about. This mold is dark green or black and slimy. It is found in ceilings, walls, floorboards, and any area that is moist. It can cause cancer, headaches, asthma, dizziness, and joint pain.


While Memnoniella is also dark green or black, it is smaller in size than Stachybotrys. It is not, however, any less dangerous, as it can cause respiratory problems, headaches, and coughing.

Is Mold Making You Sick?

Since many of the health issues listed above can be triggered by other causes, it might be difficult to know if mold is the source of the problem, especially if it’s growing somewhere that you can’t see. If you have persistent headaches, coughing, or other respiratory issues, be sure to see your doctor for a professional evaluation. Mold spores can lay dormant for many years after they’re produced and could start growing at any time, so you may have a mold problem without realizing it.

Top Rated Local® Mold Inspections

Whether you know you have a mold problem or are trying to find out, it’s best to call the professionals at Total House Inspections in Michigan. You want to enjoy the best health and protect the health of your family, so call us to schedule a mold inspection or remediation service. We’re here to provide you with the highest-quality mold inspection services when you’re ready.

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