Definition of the term Voltage
The driving force behind the flow of electricity somewhat like pressure is in a water pipe. Most homes are wired with '110' and '220' volt lines. The '110' volt power is used for lighting and most of the other circuits.…
Definition of the term Volatile Thinner
A liquid that evaporates readily and is used to thin or reduce the consistency of finishes without altering the relative volumes of pigment and non-volatile vehicles.
Definition of the term Void
A cardboard rectangular box that is installed between the earth (between caissons) and the concrete foundation wall. Used when expansive soils are present.
Definition of the term Vitreous China
A non-porous ceramic that is coated with a ceramic glaze to form toilets and lavatories.
Definition of the term Visual Mock-Up
Small scale demonstration of a finished construction product.
Definition of the term Visible Light Transmittance
The percentage of visible light (390 to 770 nanometers) within the solar spectrum that is transmitted through glass.
Definition of the term Viscosity
The internal frictional resistance offered by a fluid to change of shape or to the relative motion or flow of its parts.
Definition of the term Veterans Administration (VA)
A federal agency that insures mortgage loans with very liberal down payment requirements for honorably discharged veterans and their surviving spouses.