Definition of the term Cat's Paw
A variation of a pry bar used to pry up deep set (counter sunk) nails.
A variation of a pry bar used to pry up deep set (counter sunk) nails.
Drain and vent lines. Most older drain-waste venting systems are made of cast-iron pipes. Now increasingly supplanted by ABS and PVC. Pipes were originally joined with molten lead, but most plumbers now join them with no-hub couplers.
Heavy metal formed by casting on molds. The metal is covered with a porcelain enamel coating to make fixtures such as the cast iron tubs.
Molding of various widths and thicknesses used to trim door and window openings at the jambs.
A sidehinged window that opens on hinges secured to the side of the window frame.
Frames of wood or metal enclosing part or all of the sash, which may be opened by means of hinges affixed to the vertical edges.
CO. A colorless, odorless, highly poisonous gas formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon.
The mortgage interest rate will not exceed a specified value during a certain period of time, but it will fluctuate up and down below that level.
A repayment loan and the most conventional form of home loan. The borrower pays an amount each month to cover the amount borrowed (capital or principal) plus the interest charged on capital.
The principal part of a loan, i.e. the original amount borrowed.