Definition of the term Condition
The visible and conspicuous state of being of an object.
The visible and conspicuous state of being of an object.
The outdoor component of a cooling system. It includes a compressor and condensing coil designed to give off heat.
Water condensing on walls, ceiling and pipes. Normal in areas of high humidity, usually controlled by ventilation or a dehumidifier.
The copper pipe that runs from the outside air conditioning condenser to the inside furnace (where the A/C coil is located).
Concrete either without reinforcement, or reinforced only for shrinkage or temperature changes.
A mixture of 3/8-inch pea gravel, sand, cement and water which is poured into the cells of concrete-block walls to reinforce them.
A panel made out of concrete and fiberglass usually used as a tile backing material.
A panel made out of concrete and fiberglass usually used as a tile backing material.
A hollow concrete 'brick' often 8"x8"x16" in size. Often used in low rise commercial and some residential construction. The original design and use is attributed to the architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Application of roll roofing in which all nails are driven into the underlying course of roofing and covered by a cemented, overlapping course. Nails are not exposed to the weather.