Definition of the term Estimating
The process of calculating the cost of a project. This can be a formal and exact process or a quick and imprecise process.
The process of calculating the cost of a project. This can be a formal and exact process or a quick and imprecise process.
The anticipated cost of materials, labor, and associated cost for a proposed construction, repair, or remodeling project.
A trim piece or decorative flange that fits beneath the faucet handle to conceal the faucet stem and the hole in the fixture or wall.
The handling of funds or documents by a third party on behalf of the buyer and/or seller.
The "valuation" that you own in your home, i.e. the property value less the mortgage loan outstanding.
A single ply membrane consisting of synthetic rubber; usually 45 or 60 mils. Application can be ballasted, fully adhered or mechanically attached.
Any professional service or creative work requiring engineering education, training, and experience and the application of special knowledge of the mathematical, physical and engineering sciences to such professional service or creative work as consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, design and supervision…
An air conditioning efficiency rating system which indicates the number of BTU's delivered per watt of power consumed.
The amount or location of overlap at the end of a roll of roofing felts in the application.