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Excuses For Not Getting a Home Inspection

From educating first-time homebuyers to the constant shuffle of paperwork, to navigating the real estate market, real estate agents already have a pretty difficult job. It doesn’t make it any easier when their clients are extremely picky about the house they want to buy, are stringent with their budget, and are making all of the excuses possible for not getting a home inspection. As a professional, you know how important this process is, but it can sometimes be a struggle to convince budget- and time-conscious homebuyers that it shouldn’t be skipped.

Biggest Excuses Homebuyers Have For Skipping the Home Inspection

They’re Too Expensive

Sure, there are a few things that will increase the cost of buying a home, which can make the process seem overwhelming for anyone who hasn’t gone through it before. However, the average home inspection really isn’t that expensive and is well worth the money. For homes or condos that are under 1,000 square feet, a home inspection will cost around $200. Houses that are more than 2,000 square feet, it may cost around $400. The cost will depend on where the house is located, the size, its age, and what you want inspected (mold and radon inspections can cost more); however, when an issue is found, it could cost exponentially more to repair it.

It’s a New Construction House

Home inspections aren’t just for older homes. Homeowners often think that just because it’s being built brand new that there isn’t anything to inspect. However, new construction homes are just as at risk for issues as existing houses. New construction home inspection companies can, and do, find a variety of issues, including missing siding, too little insulation in the attic, raised roof shingles, loose outlets, missing caulking, and more.

The Owner Said That…

  • There aren’t any issues with the foundation
  • The roof is fine
  • We’ve never had any issues with the electrical system
  • We just tested for mold and it came back fine

There’s only one way to verify something a current homeowner has said about the house: a home inspection. Regardless of how trustworthy or reliable a homeowner seems, they may be trying to hide something or they may actually believe that the roof, the windows, the electrical system, the foundation, etc. really are OK. Play it safe and make an appointment with a home inspection company.

There’s Already a New…

  • Roof
  • HVAC system
  • Windows
  • Electrical system

The homeowner could provide paperwork on a newly installed roof, but again, there’s only one way to verify that the work was done correctly. Just because a system is brand new doesn’t mean that there aren’t any issues with it. There could be a problem with how the system was installed or there could be an issue that has nothing to do with a new system, such as the foundation. A professional home inspector will find it.

It Will Hold up the Process

Buying a house takes time, which homebuyers should be made aware of from the very beginning. The actual home inspection process takes between two and three hours and it may take up to a week to get the results back. And depending on the results, the negotiating process for who has to repair or pay for what can also take some time. Even though it does add time, it’s well worth the wait.

I’m Sure it Will be Fine

Even if you have a really good feeling about the condition of a house, you can’t take a gut feeling to the bank. Newer homes can provide some homeowners with a sense of safety, but homebuyers need to realize that buying a house is a significant investment and they need to be 100% confident that the house is safe and that every system is up to code.

Total House Inspections has been providing quality home inspections in the Rochester Hills area since 2010. Our team is experienced, knowledgeable, and reliable, providing peace of mind to homebuyers and real estate agents. We strive to provide quick, thorough, and affordable services so that homeowners can be confident they are buying a house they can safely live in for years. We are available seven days a week, so call us today to schedule your home inspection.

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